About The Course

Medical Transcription Training Course Overview 

Comprehensive Medical Terminology
Includes charts, diagrams, and instruction about medical terminology, explaining how medical terms are constructed – combining root words, prefixes, and suffixes.  Lessons address each body system separately.  You will have a terminology test at the end of module one.
Human Anatomy And Physiology – This is a comprehensive course that covers all body systems 
Extensive tables and diagrams help you with this section with a test after each section.  This is necessary training if you are to be an outstanding medical transcriptionist.  You will understand as you go through the coursework how vital this is to your medical transcription career, and you will look back and realize that this is a crucial aspect of your education, and not to be dismissed as general biology.  This aspect of the coursework will help you immensely once you start transcribing medical reports.

Extensive Pharmacology Training – In-depth information and lessons – Over 500 pages

Your Training Also Includes:   Instruction about formatting medical notes, how to type drugs and dosages, abbreviations, capitalization, plus proofreading exercises, and use of digital dictation files and equipment.  You will be given numerous word glossaries and reports to help you learn more quickly, including online tutorial videos

Productivity Training Videos  

You will also enjoy my personal online training Productivity Videos, which explain how you can increase your production from 150-200 lines per hour to up to 450 lines per hour! 
You Also Receive: An Ebook about The Medical Transcription Industry. This explains the different types of reports, which equipment to use, and much more. 
Formatting And Style Module
You will learn how to transcribe to AHDI standards regarding numbers, dosage terms, abbreviations etc.  You will be tested on your proofreading skills regarding transcribed reports.  
Real Life Digital Practice Dictations
Here you will begin to actually transcribe from the knowledge you have gained.  This part of the course is work intensive – you HAVE to practice and follow this part of the course to the end to get the best out of it.  It is vital to YOUR success!  All specialties are covered in this section.  These are real life reports. There are 25+ hours of dictation.  
Certificate of Completion
You will receive a Certificate of Completion From Simplistic Solutions – Medical Transcription Online Training Course.  You must pass with a 70% score to be eligible for this certificate.  I don't anticipate that you will have any problems with this at all, but should you encounter any, we will work together to get your grades up to par.
Getting A Job or Starting A Business
Module Four helps you complete your resume and cover letter, and helps you with marketing your skills and job searches.  You will receive a list of national companies that hire if you are looking to work as an employee or subcontractor.  This module also explains more information about becoming a Certified Medical Transcriptionist or Registered Medical Transcriptionist, both of which are optional.  You will be provided with medical terminology abbreviation lists, specialty word lists, and much more, including information regarding HIPAA privacy guidelines. 
Other Helpful Ebooks
You will also receive both of the ebooks below.  They are both very comprehensive guides.
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What Else Do I Get With This Course?

There is so much more in store for you once you're a member!  You will have access to much more than just the formal training that other schools provide.  You will learn all my secrets and tricks of the trade, plus you will have access to my instructional online videos that will help you double the work you can produce with a few clicks of the keyboard. You also get my Count Lines and Invoice Software Program LCI 2.0 for free!  That sells on my site, www.count-lines.com for $39.97.You will also receive my well known ebook, The Step By Step Guide To Medical Transcription At Home and all the bonuses, as seen on www.medical-transcription-at-home.com, which usually costs $49.97, yours free with this course. Besides all that, you will have your own one year paid for subscription to the Tabers Online Medical Dictionary, with diagrams and full illustrations. The programs, ebooks, and bonuses are worth over $200.00 that I give to you for free! Not only is this course less than half the price of other courses, and equally as in depth as other expensive courses, you will receive everything you need to get prepared to find a job or start your own medical transcription at home business.